Potential, an inherent translation of capability, stored energy, or simply put, limit of things. Potential itself conforms based on the context its referred to in. One could infer that different things have varying amount of potential in them, and everything has some amount of potential in it, no matter how small they may be. And according to the rules of classical mechanics, they would be correct! (Quantum/Modern mechanics has a very vague image of potential, in general, a very vague description of particles, which despite the vaugeness is very intuitive). To form a picture, think of it this way, every object that is supposedly stationery, has a bound energy to it. Every object here means every object (follows from the fact that everything is made up of nuclear particles).
Having stated the fact that everything has potential in it, (yes you too!) tapping into that potential is what makes a “thing” useful. This potential made useful could very well be conformed to create new things with even greater potential. It is the very basis of life if we observe carefully: It could very well be the case that “something” having some potential conformed into the world we live in today. (specifically into the mental model of the big bang) It doesn’t just stop there, as life saw the so called potential, it conformed to form intricate living beings, which we take for granted today.
Other modern day potential stories can be derived by virtually experiencing them once, via the potentially rich devices we have. The more you look, observe and think, the more potential you see in things. I’d like to give out a few notable examples from my POV, that have the supreme level of potential in them, through my eyes.
Supreme level creatures, origin believed to be god, have epic anatomy/features. Homo Sapiens, humans in layman terms, are the progenitors of (almost) every potentially rich thing out there. Despite their potential to make such things, their ability is not limited to that; it spreads far wide in terms of physique, intelligence, and adaptability. Human physique can be altered by training hard, after which it comes on-par to those of some elite level hunters in the animal kingdom. Next comes intelligence, the ultimate key to this being the incredibly complex and fascinating human brain. Brains evolved to give us the life we’re living and the things we’re using at the very moment. Last but certainly not the least is human adaptablitity. The brain plays a major role in this too to say the least. A human body, heck its components, as in the muscles, the voicebox, the sense and the brain, conform according to the situation to provide utmost potential to the thing to be done. Hence, potentially you could think of a human body as an upgradable legendary item, which when used correctly could do wonders.
Everything else mentioned below are just humans playing around with stuff till they named them to be that and developed a particular use for them.
Artifical Intelligence
AI has ultimate manifestation of the human potential and hence is on its own a great example of how much potential the human brain brings to the table. But as intelligence being other than the human one at stake, it holds even greter potential of surpassing the latter. Moral dilemma also follows as a result of the enormous potential this very thing holds: Do we really need such super intelligent machines in the first place?
Rust (The programming language)
Rust, the programming language that’s been rated heavily as in developer experience, is truly one of kind. Safety is the one word usually associated with Rust, and if someone goes really deep to its roots, it really shows how it makes your programs and your code, safe. The very core of Rust is designed with such intricate memory considerations and complier strictness that it nearly becomes impossible to cause memory leakages without the complier complaining about the same. It achieves this by adding some potentially cool features on top of the already existing languages. The main takeaway here is that the potential that this language holds to revolutionize software all around the globe is like no other.
Music can’t hold any potential can it? Hear me out on this one cause music that your brain, body and soul loves can do wonders. At the very surface it’s just different frequency sound waves doing wiggly stuff together, going high or going low. But the amount of variations in these very waves makes a genre what it is. Potentially speaking, the type of music you listen to makes all the difference but any kind of music has the potential to illicit really powerful neural impulses. Just put on some music and you’re good to go!
Concluding remarks
Again, if you totally indulge yourselves in finding potential in anything, you will find some feature or capability that in turn reflects in the thing’s actual potential. Everything and anything has potential and it’s a cascading effect throughout generations and civilizations.